How many books have you read entirely in the last two months? None, I suppose. Yet not so long ago, reading was part of our daily routine. So much so that the study of certain literary works was introduced into the school curriculum. This decision was taken by several states in order to raise the level of learners, but above all to force them to become cultured. Unfortunately, it has to be said that young people today have not stopped learning, but no longer through books.
The digital age
Since the arrival of digital technology and especially social networks, it has been noted that young people no longer read books. This is understandable, as in the past we were told that reading allowed us to sharpen our vocabulary and, above all, to keep abreast of what was happening in the world. Today, with the arrival of television, we can follow the news of the world live. Moreover, thanks to social networks, one can almost always get real-time information about the latest movements in the world. So why read, many young people ask.
Digital reading
It is true that another form of reading has emerged in recent times. This is digital reading. Gone are the classic literary works and in are the books carried by the media. This new way of reading, made possible by digital media, is more popular with young people, especially girls. But this does not seem to do the trick, as the level of French language skills in France, for example, continues to decline year after year. It is not only France that is affected. Several countries are now deploring the decline in the level of language in schools. One of the causes is of course the development of SMS technology, which has encouraged the use of abbreviations, which consists of writing a word with a sound to reduce its spelling for example. Such practices have contributed to the weakening of the language level in several countries.